Sakun hienosta sijoituksesta Voittaja Zaradis The Last Knight on Sakun emän (z.. dremer queen) veli :)


UROKSET pist. NARTUT pist.
1 Zaradi's The Last Knight (8) 98,0 1 Juniperhill's Bucanera (8) 87,2
2 Carnoustie's Object of Desire at Corydon (8) 87,0 2 Sandcastle's Private Show (8) 81,0
3 Kangasvuokon Spencer (8) 85,0 3 Snowpaw Falling Leaf (8) 79,0
4 Bladepitfall Lucky Me (8) 59,0 4 Roxier's Blue Xaana (8) 73,0
5 Golden Mist Fire in My Soul (5) 58,0 5 Kangasvuokon Arlanda (7) 69,0
6 Woolmill's Debrau Jever (7) 55,0 6 Rejejs Joie de Vivre for Carnoustie (8) 62,0
7 Windy Forest's Lucky Surprise (8) 53,0 7 Kangasvuokon Disney (7) 61,0
8 Leaftribe Old Black Joe (5) 49,2 8 Carnoustie's Solitaire (4) 50,0
9 Zinnia's Pompon Panaché (5) 40,0 9 Magicmills Golden Genie (7) 49,0
10 Steadwyn Mahogny Hit (2) 38,0 10 Carnoustie's Moon Goddess (3) 42,0
10 Snowpaw American Idol (5) 38,0